Stray and feral cats have become a growing problem in recent years – now vastly outnumbering the domesticated cat population. Stray cats are cats that have become separated from their owners, and feral cats are cats that were born in the wild – and are often wary of humans.
1. What to do if You Encounter a Stray Cat
Do not approach it - though rare, stray and feral cats can spread diseases with a simple scratch. If you get bitten or scratched by a stray or feral cat, try to capture the feline and bring it to the doctor with you so it can be tested for rabies and you can be tested and immunized for other diseases.
If you’ve already made contact with the cat in question and it is friendly – you should take it to the vet to get it tested for disease, immunized, and spayed or neutered (if you plan on making it your own). I would also recommend you visit your local library and pick out a good book ondomesticating stray cats.
Find Exterminators in your area2. Getting Rid of Stray Cats
Garden centers often carry products that claim to keep stray cats off of your property. Sprays, predator urine, ultrasonic devices… you can spend your money on these things and give them a try, but the vast majority of people who have used these things say that they do not work. Here is a list of some of the most commonly touted successful methods of ridding your property of stray cats.
- This probably goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyway. Don’t feed them. Look around your neighborhood and make sure none of your neighbors are feeding them. Remove any obvious sources of food and secure all outside waste containers.
- Seal up any spaces that a feral cat may see as an attractive ‘nesting’ area. Some of their favorite places to make homes are underneath decks, sheds, foundations, and barns.
- Contact your local animal control center and have them catch and remove the feline from your property.
- Purchase a trap and capture the cat yourself. You can then drop it off at a shelter or release it far (at least 10 miles) away from your home. Be VERY careful when dealing with a trapped feral cat as they can be VERY nasty! Please also note that releasing the cat elsewhere will not solve the problem - only move it...
- Extract the oil of a few dozen of the hottest peppers you can find (or use pepper spray), and apply it liberally to the areas that the cats frequent the most. The idea is to let the cats come into contact with the spicy formula so when they go to groom themselves they will get a spicy surprise. After a few tastes they will begin to stay away – this may need to be repeated often before the results are lasting.
- Get a dog large enough to discourage any cats from venturing near your property. If you go this route, make sure you get the pooch immunized just in case he gets into a fight! Learn how to choose a dog breed
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